Who Is Fonda Dixx….
An Icon, A Legend, A Beauty…. well maybe not the latter. But, this queen has the vocal ability to make Gariana Andre (An Ariana Grande tribute act from Bolton) jealous with envy. Much like her favourite drink (WKD Blue, other drinks are available), Fonda is also cheap, likely to give you heartburn, and can also be found near a toilet cubicle door at the end of the night. When you attend a Fonda Dixx’s show be prepared for audience participation, to be amazed by her vocal range, and to be bowled over by her charismatic personality.
⭐️Fonda Reviews⭐️
Disclaimer: We are not sure how legitimate these reviews are, but Fonda insists they’re real.

Amazing, I took one star off. But only because she wouldn’t Marry Me – The Duke from Bridgerton.

The BEST I ever had. – Cristiano Ronaldo

The P**is earrings & white sling back… they got us REALLY excited!!
– Zac Efron, Jack Grealish, & Ryan Reynolds.

Turned the most traumatic experience of my life into the best. – Chanel The Parrots’ Mum.

If ever I need a body double, Fonda is the girl i’d call…. She’s the spit of me. – Gemma Collins.

I wish you’d stop using my stilettos, you’ve stretched them with your massive f***ing feet!!! – Ronan/ Fonda’s Mam.
💖 Fonda Dating 💖
If you find Fonda attractive, and wish to take her out on a date. Please seek medical advice at your nearest GP or Pharmacy, where they will prescribe you a dose of reality, and a paracetamol for the morning after – You’ve had too many bevs doll!!!!